Electronic Reserves
Physical Reserves
Media Course Reserves
Music Library Course Reserves
Course Reserves are now integrated with the Canvas Course Management System. Western Libraries staff will add reserve lists to the corresponding Canvas course page. You can access reserve lists from Canvas by clicking the “Library Resources” navigation tab. Items in the list will either be electronic or physical.
Electronic materials are accessible by clicking on the title of the item.
Physical items are located in the Haggard 2 reserve area and are shelved according to course name and number, i.e. ANTH 101, BIOL 204 etc.
Videos on reserve are shelved with books on reserve, and check out for 1 day (24 hours) and can be removed from the library. Viewing stations are located in the Reserve area, or laptops can be checked out from the STC.
Music Library Course Reserves items are located in the Music Library. Access to these materials is by request at the Music Library Circulation Desk.
For more about course reserves see
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