Answered By: Gabe Gossett
Last Updated: Aug 17, 2020     Views: 108

If you are in an article database look for links to the full text article. If you do not see a full text link look for a button that says "Findit!" on it. Clicking on that will tell you whether and how we have access to an article.  Journal articles, unpublished documents, and books that we don't have may be obtained through the Interlibrary Loan and Article Delivery Service (ILLiad). You will first need to go to the ILL web page and set up an account in ILLiad, if you have not already done so. Books and journal articles can be mailed to the address you specify when you set up your account.

You can also obtain materials onsite at any of the participating Summit libraries with your current WWU identification card. You should also bring a picture ID other than your Western ID.