Thanks for your question. I think you might be lucky in that there appears to be an entire journal that fits your topic fairly well, the Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. I came across it while doing a combined database search on your topic in ERIC, Academic Search Complete, Educational Administration Abstracts, PsycINFO, and PsycARTICLES. See this ebsco database search if you would like to browse or search within the journal.
It is a peer-reviewed journal, but it also has non-peer-reviewed articles as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that we only have access to this journal in print, which means that if you would like articles from it you will have to be sure to have your ILLiad account set up if you are an Extended Education student or use the print version in the library if you are an on-campus student.
I did a search in the journal with the added term student achievement, and after browsing the results and some of the descriptors used it looks like some other terms used by the database you might consider using include: Mathematics Achievement, Program Effectiveness, Educational Technology, Computer Uses in Education, and Academic Aspiration.
Using two of those descriptors, Computer Uses in Education and Mathematics Achievement, I did a new search in the same databases, narrowed it to scholarly sources from the past five years, and used the subject narrowing tool to limit it further to articles with descriptors Mathematics Instruction and Program Effectiveness, which came up with 21 other results that might be good for your topic. Not all of them deal with every aspect of your topic, but they might be useful for one of two pieces of it. See this ebsco list to find those results.
Let us know if that helps or not. There are always some other strategies we can try if these results don’t look good.
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