Answered By: Gabe Gossett
Last Updated: May 10, 2019     Views: 15976

When you have access to the full text of an article through a database at Western you will usually see a link to a PDF or HTML version of the article. In some cases, such as with the ERIC database, the links to full text will be somewhere else. Just because the database you are looking in does not have access to an article does not mean that Western does not have access through another source! Use the blue Findit! button to see if we have full text access to the article through another database.

Accessing full texts

When you see the term full text in a research database it means you should be able to get the entire article immediately within the database you are using. When you see the blue Findit! button it means that full text access may be available from another source we subscribe to or we can get it for you through an inter-library loan request. The database you are using may only provide information such as the citation, abstract, and keywords, but that doesn't mean the full text article is not available.

If you have questions about full text access don't hesitate to contact us.


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