Answered By: Gabe Gossett
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022     Views: 1577

You can set your browser to have Google Scholar link to full text articles in Western databases from any computer you use. You will see either a "Findit! @ WWU" link at the bottom of the citation or a "Full Text @ WWU" option next to the title. If you are using Google Scholar using campus internet it should automatically recognize you as a Western user.

To set up Google Scholar for off-campus access:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Settings link in the upper left hand corner drop-down menu.
    Shows locating the options menu and selecting settings
  3. Click on "Library Links".
    Shows clicking on "Library links" and then checking the box for "Western Washington University - FindIt@WWU"
  4. Search for Western Washington University in the box that comes up.
  5. Check the box next to Western Washington University Libraries - Findit!@Western Libraries.