Answered By: Gabe Gossett
Last Updated: Jan 09, 2018     Views: 9564

Continuous pagination is when a journal starts on page one for a volume (typically one publication year) and counts up until the end of that volume. For example, If there is a journal with 4 issues per year and it has 100 pages per issue it will likely have page ranges that look like this: 1-100 for winter, 101-200 for spring, 201-300 for summer, and 301-400 in fall. Because of that it is not necessary for you to indicate which issue an article came from, because that is already indicated by the page number. However, including issue numbers shouldn't be detrimental to you citation either.

Basic Format:

Author Last Name, First initial. (Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume, pp.-pp. or DOI:XX.XXXXX or Retrieved from journal URL


Semple, R. (2016). The risks of weight gain: A systematic study. Journal of American Nutrition, 5, pp. 498-502, Retrieved from