Answered By: Gabe Gossett
Last Updated: Jun 03, 2019     Views: 128

Streaming video

We have many video available in streaming format in addition to DVDs and VHS. To find a streaming video usedo a keyword seach in OneSearch then limit your search under "Format Type" to videos then choose WWU Online Resources "Show only". 


The Libraries' physical video collection is on the Wilson side of the library on the second (main) floor, east wing. The collection consists of thousands of titles which support the curriculum. Videos include a large selection of feature films in DVD format and documentary and instructional films.

With the exception of course reserve materials, videos are held on open shelves and may be either checked-out or viewed in the library. 

  • The loan period for videos is 7 days.  
  • Videos on Course Reserve are limited to 4 hours use.  
  • Videos fines are $1.00 per day.  
    • Regular reserve materials fines apply to videos on course reserve.

A collection of videos relating to music curriculum is also held at the Music Library. These DVDs may not be taken out of building and must be viewed at the Music Library.

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