In order to create a playlist in the VAST database of streaming videos follow these steps:
You need to have an account with VAST/Alexander Street Press first. Note, this not the same as your WWU account and is not connected to it. Find the "sign in" link in the upper right corner to log in or create an account.
When you find a video you would like to add to a playlist view the video by clicking on the title, if you are not doing that already, then click on the "Playlist" button.
That will bring up the option to add the video to an existing playlist or you can create a new one.
Click "Edit playlist" link for options to make the list visible to others.
Change the playlist visibility as desired.
When you want to share it with others at WWU (as subscription videos you cannot share them with non-WWU users unfortunately), click on "Embed/Link". You can then share the URL that comes up with others. Note, as of this writing, VAST was not configured to use https properly, resulting in an error when accessing videos. You can resolve this by just sharing the URL from and on, omitting https://
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