Answered By: Gabe Gossett
Last Updated: Mar 01, 2024     Views: 19

This varies, depending on the source. The LIbraries subscribes to online resources from many different providers and some of them have incorporated read aloud tools into their platforms, though many do not and those that do only provide it for sources in HTML format (PDFs are most common). Generally speaking, you will see the read aloud features highlighted on resources where the full text is supplied. If you have questions about a specific resource, please let us know

Anyone affiliated with Western also has access to the Read&Write app as well, which might help for text to speech when it is not provided by providers.

Here are some examples of text to speech functions you might encounter from some providers:

  • EBSCO databases provide a "Listen" function for full text sources that are in HTML format. The Libraries subscribes to many different EBSCO databases, such as Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, and PsychINFO. Look for the "Listen" icon with a play button on it. Image of an article in HTML format with a play button and the text "Listen," located just before the full text of the article
  • Similarly, some articles on ProQuest databases have a "Listen" function as well. Like EBSCO, the Libraries provides many different ProQuest databases, such as Social Sciences Abstracts, GenderWatch, and Global Newstream.
    Image shows location of the "Listen" button just before the full text.


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