During open hours, you and your students can stop by Haggard Hall, second floor, chat with us or text 360-797-5910
You can also email, or explore our website at
Add our blurb to your syllabus, set up a class visit, or refer students seeking support!
Help your students build core skills with a Learning Commons workshop.
Learn how to reclaim some time while still providing meaningful feedback on assignments.
Need content to support core academic skills? Enrich your class with videos, canvas modules, and more.
Language oppression is still the norm in higher education. Learn how to be part of the change!
As long as we're not overwhelmed with draft submissions from students, our Studio Assistants will respond to give you their perspective on the clarity, difficulty level, and strengths of the assignment you're creating.
Your subject librarian team can navigate the ins and outs of research & teaching materials for your subject, including Open Educational Resources. Let them know what you need!
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